As she looked out her window, she saw Michael Myers (Brad Loree), with whitish mask and workman"s jumpsuit, standing and lookiAs she looked out her window, she saw Michael Myers (Brad Loree), with whitish mask and workman"s jumpsuit, standing and looking back at her from a grassy area.Be their hero, Clark.Be their monument.Be their angel.Be anything hey need you to be.Or be none of it.You don"t owe this world a thing.You never did."During a further discussion with Secretary of Defense Swanwick, Lois was told: "C.I.[The CIA] thinks the desert was a setup.Somebody wanted Superman to look guilty." According o classified information, the metal bullet"s manufacturer was identified as made by a private company - LexCorp Industries.He threatened to have Galen"s team eliminated for a security leak: "One of you betrayed the Empire.One of you has conspired with a pilot to send messages o the Rebellion.And I urge that traitor, step forward.(pause after no response) Very well, I"ll consider it a group effort, hen." Meanwhile, Cassian had his blaster rifle"s scope and cross-hairs centered on Galen, but declined to shoot.The remainder of the film"s narrative is set in Paris.In the next scene, a clever transitionary scene from Venice to Paris, a Morse-Code like radio-transmitted signal is beamed from the top of a technology-transformed Eiffel Tower (viewed at night) - the signals shoot out like bolts of lightning (similar to the RKO Pictures opening trademark).Detail