Top cast:Axel Graatkjær,Viggo Larsen,Knud Lumbye
Director:Lorcan Finnegan
Storyline:[See previous film for details about Zod""s mission.]Bruce was horrified to watch as Zod""s uncontrollable heat vision-ray sliced hrough the Wayne Building and caused its collapse, killing Jack O"" Dwyer (Hugh Maguire) as he said a final prayer - he was Bruce""s colleague and the Wayne Financial director.The film was dedicated to special effects wizard Stan Winston, who worked on the film up until his death." Foxy drove off in the Woody after taking him to the city limits.Riley realized the remainder of the city""s surviving inhabitants would be trapped by their own electric fencing ("What was built to keep people safe is gonna trap them inside") - whose power couldn""t be shut off.Superman flew protectively next to Lois to his Fortress of Solitude, a "very special place," where he gave her a tour and reverentially held the green crystal that had "called" to him and brought him there.