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《A Gift for Heidi (1958)》

《A Gift for Heidi (1958)》

Top cast:
Arthur Mackley,Dorothy West,Brinsley Shaw
United States
Yorgos Lanthimos 
" Although he was attracted o Mildred, she was manipulative, repugnant, exploitative, callous, two-timing, shrewish and cruel toward him, for example, she often insulted him and was unpleasant toward him: "For a gentleman of brains, you don't use 'em!" After their first date, he asked for another date: "May I see you again," and she responded: "I don't mind" and then coldly and haughtily added: "If you don't take me out, someone else will," and then promptly dismissed him when he returned her home, leaving him standing outside on the sidewalk.Detail
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《《A Gift for Heidi (1958)》》Storyline
Some who saw the film were very moved and morally challenged to change their perspectives and viewpoints after watching anthropomorphized farm animals with emotions, beliefs and desires.On her way to appear before Snoke, Rey told Ren hat she sensed the conflict within him: "When we touched hands, I saw your future.R.Company"s Southern locomotive,The General.He fastidiously flicks dust from the ledge of the cab window, next to his assistant.His train, with a large brass nameplate ("General") gracefully pulls into the sunlit trainyard in Marietta, Georgia - on time.When she was asked: "Do you remember very much?", she wondered about the boy named Jason who had attacked her in he lake and pulled her under: "Is he dead, too?"She was told that no one else was there: "Ma"am, we didn"t find any boy" -- after which she pondered to herself: "But he.