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Hands Off (1927)

Hands Off (1927)

Top cast:
Gilbert M. 'Broncho Billy' Anderson,Gladys Field,Fred Church
Jeff Fisher 
Principal filming occurred in heir area, at the Biltmore Estate, constructed in the late 1800s (Gilded Age) for George W.Detail
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《Hands Off (1927)》Storyline
She is taken to a beautiful, sunny forested area to pick flowers.She befriends a little lost bluebird: "Come on, perk up.Won"t you smile for me? Ha, ha, ha.That"s better.Your mom and papa can"t be far.There hey are.Can you fly? Goodbye.Goodbye." The huntsman approaches from behind to stab her - his shadow overtakes her.His angry green eyes flare as he raises the knife in his hand and is poised to strike.Snow White turns and screams when she sees what he plans to do.But he hasn"t the heart to carry out the deed - to murder an innocent girl.He drops to his knees and begs her to forgive him: "I can"t.I can"t do it.Forgive me.I beg you your highness." Snow White doesn"t understand.He explains the Queen"s evil plan, and hen bids her to run away deeper and deeper into the woods to escape her stepmother"s murderous intentions.Although dubbed "Disney"s Folly" during the three-four year production of the musical animation, Disney realized that he had to expand and alter the format of cartoons.His father rushes him out of the office without giving him a chance to ask about the pills.George returns to the store with the undelivered capsules.Before learning of the mistake, Mr.Gower angrily slaps George"s sore ear for disobediently not delivering he order, although the boy describes the druggist"s error: "You put something wrong in those capsules.Listen.They"ll talk.Somebody will say something.Something about the stealing....I"ve got to have evidence - evidence."Marvin attended Betty"s birthday party with a country-western atmosphere.Once he arrived, she led him into a back warehouse storeroom to kiss him, but he was distracted by the stockpiled goods in the room.