Top cast:Hobart Bosworth,Betty Harte,Robert Z. Leonard
Director:David Aylott&A.E. Coleby
Storyline:" Romeo lifts his mask and watches the dancers.During a marvelously-choreographed sequence of dance, he is immediately startled, entranced, and smitten by the lady Juliet engaged in a hand dance, poetically and rapturously praising her as white and pure among darker objects - as a jewel in the ear of a black Ethiopian, or a snowy dove among black crows:Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright.He entered and asked, "Can I help you? Hello?" and disappeared - later, it was discovered that his throat was slit(# 4 death)(off-screen).But then he killed both pilots, as the plane lost cabin pressure when a bullet pierced the windshield, and visibility was near zero.How can you?Cathy: What do you know about Heathcliff?Edgar: All I need or want to know.Cathy: He was my friend long before you.Edgar: That blackguard! [meaning ""scoundrel""]Cathy: Blackguard and all.He belongs under this roof and you speak well of him or get out.Edgar: Are you out of your senses?Cathy: Get out I said, or stop calling those I love names.Edgar: ""Those you love?""Cathy: Yes! Yes!Edgar: Cathy, what possesses you? Do you realize the things you""re saying?Cathy: I see that I hate you.After receiving Lynda""s strange phone call, Laurie ventured over to the Wallace house where she found Annie""s body in bed with Judith""s headstone, and also discovered the bodies of Bob and Lynda.