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《Miliardi, che follia! (1942)》

《Miliardi, che follia! (1942)》

Top cast:
Arthur V. Johnson,Florence Lawrence,Marion Leonard
Eli Roth 
One day, when it's all sewed up, I'll let you know all the details.Right now, though, I can't.Jeffrey: I understand.I'm just real curious like you said.Detective Williams: (confiding) I was the same way myself when I was your age.I guess that's what got me into this business.Jeffrey: It must be great.Detective Williams: It's horrible too.Outside in the darkness, Jeffrey hears a voice from he blackness asking:Are you the one that found the ear?Girl-next-door Sandy emerges wearing a billowy pink dress - a true vision of innocence.Detail
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《《Miliardi, che follia! (1942)》》Storyline
You"d like to take it into your own hands.But when you do that, you might as well be living in a jungle.The police detective vainly attempts to be persuasive and have Hammer mind his own business: "Mike, why don"t you ell us what you know? Then step aside like a nice fella and let us do our job.He derided Clark for only pursuing "the god-damn Gotham bat thing...Nobody cares about Clark Kent taking on the Batman!"Later in the exhibit area of the Gotham City Museum of Antiquities, Bruce accused Diana of the theft of his drive at the fundraiser: "The other night, you took something hat doesn"t belong to you." As he serves egg-nog drinks, Jerry makes the "broad-minded" remark that married couples should enjoy themselves and not wrongly suspect each other of infidelity:I wish Lucy would go out and get some fun for herself now and again." It was admitted that they had no motive and very little evidence, although Graham postulated: "It"s in his dreams.George Lucas, 121 minutes (original), 125 minutes (1997 Sp.Ed.)Film Plot SummaryThe fourth science-fiction fantasy film opened with he series" trademark scrolling roll-up text, disappearing into infinity in the stars as it described the time-period, after the display of the preface - "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.